
Sunday, November 30, 2003

Well... but... when Eliah asked me this morning "should I pick Mollie up from the airport," I said yes. That must count for something(!!!)
No, probably not.
Thanksgiving was lovely, though a little far towards the sweet side of the scale, and a bit lacking in vegetables. But otherwise it would have been perfect. And I made cornbread, I did! I whipped cream and I helped with one of the pumpkin pies. How functional is that? Very, I say.
Also, the internet at the house is out.
8-10 page papers are the BAD! Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.
Obviously this is not a good time for me to produce coherent blog entries. Maybe I will try again post-paper.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I have Friendstered (due to external pressure) and am now all alone with a screen that mocks me with the proclamation "No Friends Yet." Rescue me from this cold and lonely (and uncomfortably sold-out) state, my dear house-sharing companions, by being also sellouts, and then friending me.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Okay, so since there was no house meeting I shall bring up my item of business here. It is as follows:
As in, there should be one. Soon, since at least for me there is a lull in the crazy-workloadness of it all and anyway the lesson of the month is that sometimes stuff gets done just as quickly if you take a nice big brain-refreshing break as if you just plod through and let your brain get less and less receptive.
So. Does anybody have any thoughts on this matter? I sort of don't know what to read, as the best reading-aloud book I can think of is Amber, but two of you have already had the whole first book read to you. I think maybe my Alice book with Charles Dodgson and Alice sitting around doing math and thing. It has pictures!
P.S. I talked to the nice boy whose car I hit. He is not mad. His name is Pete.

Saturday, November 22, 2003

That was fantastic no-festering. We should paste that on our wall and hold it as a standard to aspire to at all times.
I am all for having Friday dinners, though I think the house meeting should still be Monday. But Friday if we had a time for dinner and agreed to all try to make it, maybe at least 3 or 4 of us would make it any given week, and that would be enough to induce me to come as often as I was able. So maybe Fridays around 8:00? That is my proposal.
For those (one) of you who do not know, I am a dumb hitter-of-cars-of-neighbors. S H A M E.
We are coming home to bake Lemon Mousse now.

Friday, November 21, 2003

How do you fix a broken tomato?
Tomato paste.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Regarding multiple postage:
It never happened. I dare you to prove it.

"Double yoo, tee, eff?"
That was far much funny for one blog post to hold. It will surely self-destruct (in 5. 4. 3...)

I have been thinking about the SMART child/clothing thing some more. Do you think that kid was an anomaly, or do you think kids in general would be more motivated to learn or interested in learning or just generally more paying-of-attention if their teachers were dressed a certain way? That would be C R A Z Y. Most likely if there was an effect, it would be different between kids depending on aesthetic taste, but what if it wasn't? What if kids learn better when teachers have, e.g., clothes that match and fit well and are all tucked in and neat and stuff. Like it helped them focus. Wouldn't that be wild?
Yes it would.

The kettle corn last night was fabulous. Thanks to all involved.
How much do I not want to go to OHSU for this little orientation thing I am scheduled to attend?
As much as a small pony.
At least.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Monday, November 17, 2003

I like the way myou dress.
And I am not thinking of taking a semester off either, so you have company.
Speaking of which, am glad I get to see youplural tonight. Since I got sick on Saturday, I sort of didn't feel like moving until I was more or less well again (less, at the moment, as my head continues to go *pound, pound*) but am excited to come home tonight.
Excited. To come home to my own house. That's almost sad.
But not quite.

And Mollie? I can't speak for the masses in general, but I think we noticed. It's more a matter of not knowing what to do about it. Also, I do not think Issues and Self-Finding are in any way invalid or silly. A luxury, yes, to an extent. But no less real or important. And the semester off sounds nice, though of course I will miss you and you will have to keep in touch much better than this summer. But over and over this year I learn (though I'm SO glad you're staying, Miriam) that it is preferable to have someone away and happy than to have them around and miserable, no matter how much you like or even depend on their aroundness.

Have to do reading now. I have so much stuff to do this weekend, you can't even imagine.
Oh, who am I kidding? Of course you can.
See you at dinner,

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I guess the sick is going around (again). I got here at approx. 7 last night, was feeling horribly ill by 7:30, and asleep by 8. Woke up periodically but not for more than 20 minutes between then and noonish today. And lots of stomachaching. And highly unpleasant. Then we spent the rest of the day working on papers, though we have just taken a break to eat rice and watch Buffy.
So many people thinking of taking a semester off. Why do you think it's happening now?
I had better stop writing now so that I can point out to Eliah that playing "name that tune" with MIDI files is not, in fact, the same thing as writing papers. Similar, of course. But not the same.

Friday, November 14, 2003

This is for the Numinator. You know who you are. If not, ask Miriam.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Can I just tell you how much, as me, that is a horrifying story to hear? But you're right, and I will drive out tonight to see if I can't find a mouthguard because ACK EATING MY OWN JAW NO GOOD.
I think it's somewhere between telling oneself to believe something and actually believing. Sort of believing that it's quite possible that it's true and because of that agreeing to live by it, at least until/unless it proves itself very detrimental.
Postmodernism in what way? I reckon that when one runs out of things to believe in, one simply chooses things to hypothesize and acts as if they're true. It's like believing in things but far less restrictive because you know it's by choice. But it's not like faking because there is, of course, always a possibility that a thing might be true. So you just pick a working set of beliefs and go with them. I think that's perfectly fine, and I think it's strange that postmodernists seem to want to tear that down. Even if I don't entirely buy into anything, I think it's still worth making the agreement with myself to act as if certain things were true and see how that works. The alternative is being left with nothing, which seems like it really wouldn't get one anywhere. And isn't the point to get somewhere?
Tell me if I'm making sense. Else I'll try again later when there is more sleep in me.
My teeth hurt. Sort of constantly. I had better do something about this. Because ow.
Alan said I did well on my presentation today. Ooh, and the other day after I made some point about Rappaport, Arthur mouthed "thank you" to me. And yesterday Jennifer said an idea I had was brilliant. So that is my positive teacher reinforcement for the week.
I hope you(Mollie) are being a good helper-with-poem for Eliah. He does so want to be a good poet, but I do not think he knows how. But I think perhaps you do.
Semesters off are better than being overwhelmed. Where would you go?
A good song is "Elmo's Song" by Elmo and Big Bird. Also, "The L Song" by Bert and Ernie, though the latter has an unpleasant moral that some "L" phrases (e.g. "lights in the sky") are qualitatively better than others (e.g. "lump in my oatmeal").
The end.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Did not get my reading done for today, did not get enough sleep last night, am still icky-feeling as a result of the sickness that went through the house last week, and am therefore in a verybadmood. So if I accidentally glare at anyone today, that is why.

(Indigo Girls concert, though, was h a r d c o r e and they played all the songs I wanted and the whole audience knew the words to most of the songs and we loved them and they loved us for loving them and we loved them for loving us and we just loved each other. Yeah, I had to look up that quotation to make sure I got the reference right.)

Class now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

In other exciting news, it seems the children of the fine establishment of Daniel A. Grout Elementary have all taken a holiday from physical reality this Tuesday the 11th of November. I can only conclude that today is a secret reality-holiday. I wish *my* school would schedule those...

Today Steve and I read about bowels. He said if he does well on his test, he will give me an extra bonus.
Also, Gina (lady I drive, not Gina of sleeping-with-Ulric fame) has sent me a mail saying swimming is not working out for her, but we should go out and hang out different places around town, and go shopping and to restaurants and stuff, for an hour a week, and I STILL GET TEN DOLLARS AN HOUR! How hot is that?
Am all worried since I lost my Teeth (read:bite-guard thing). I wake up in the morning with my jaw a bit sore and my teeth a bit hurting and wonder if I am doing horrible teeth-grindy damage in the night. Have been trying to think of alternate solutions, but truly there are not that many things I can think of that one can stick in one's mouth at night without having to fear horrid choking. Can anyone think of a solution or possibly recommend a good dentist? Am getting increasingly concerned about this.
I find it somehow amusing to be addressing this post all to people who are within shouting distance at the moment (with the exception of Miriam, who is at the ETC). There is nothing better than writing stuff you could just say. Writing's way different from talking, though. Like... more intimate, but less. V. confusing.
Okay, posting now.

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